Year in Review: 2017
2017 has been a great year despite many ups and downs, I’m excited about everything that happened and especially the progress I made personally in various aspects of my life. I also managed to learn more about myself and how I handle adversity and setbacks in my life.
Overall, 2017 was an average year. My biggest achievement has to be my graduating from college. I studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering and it was a great relief to finally come to the end of my program. Huge win for me on that one.
2017 was the year I found my passion. I’m eternally grateful for my friends who got me started into the field. I took my decision of learning to code serious and since then, I haven’t looked back. Even though I didn’t progress much, I’m excited I know enough to get by at least.
I started blogging in 2017 as a means to document my journey as I try to learn web development having been inspired by dozens of people to do so. I didn’t believe that I was gonna stay at it till this point. Even though I did not write as much as I wanted but I made an head-way at least. Glad I started writing and I hope to stay at it forever.
Social Media
I became active on Twitter after becoming aware it was the social space for developers and it’s definitely true. If you are serious about coding, you should definitely have a Twitter account. Because of it, I lost interest in Facebook and other groups I was in.
I turned 22 December 2017 and it felt pretty good
My Family were all in good health.
My Goals For 2018
I’m excited about 2018. I already tagged it the year of excellence. These are just a summary of my plans for the new year:
Have Mentors: I will be reaching out to various people from different walks of life who I have come to admire for their works and impacts.
Start and Complete #100DaysOfCode: I hope to start and complete this challenge. This will help me in developing a habit of coding daily.
Read 12 books (Or More): Well, considering the fact that I hardly read non-technical books, my goal is to read one book for a month. So 12 months, 12 books.
Write a minimum of 52 blog posts: This a truly daring goal, I can’t wait to see what happens. I hope to write more of technical articles mostly targeted at beginners.
Keep an Active GitHub Profile: Well, as a developer, there are few words to emphasize how necessary this is. So, I hope to start committing and pushing my codes to GitHub.
Community Involvement: I hope to become active in the Eco-system one way or the other. I have seen the benefits and it’s only fair I try to do same so as to continue the good works. Perhaps, give a technical talk at a meetup or conference, that would be surreal!
Code More: Well, this one isn’t a surprise. I hope to build my habit of coding daily. Also. I hope to learn new technologies such as Vue, Node.
Learn New Skill: I was learning the guitar before I stopped. I hope to get back to it this year so I can have something to focus my mind on aside coding.
While goals are really important to have, it’s more important figuring out how to accomplish those goals. I will be sharing my progress via my monthly progress check, hopefully, I get to achieve a lot.
I also want to thank everyone who was part of my life in 2017, you guys rocks!
Cheers to an amazing 2017. I’m super excited to get going for 2018 and see how it will play itself., hopefully, it turns out great and much better than 2017.
Happy New Year!
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